Week 9- Open


This week for my blog we are going to be discussing milk. Many people say that milk is bad for you and you shouldn’t drink it. But then there are also many people who say milk is good for you, and you have to drink it in order to stay strong. I am going to discover what is true and what is false!

First I am going to share the google definition of milk: an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.

Milk is good for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Milk also contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fat. These are all very important nutrients for the body, and milk is a natural occurring substance. Milk doesn’t have any added ingredients, so you know exactly what you are consuming, compared to having supplements that contain many different unnecessary ingredients. With complete research I’m sure you can find a healthy alternative to milk, but there are also many unhealthy substitutions.


Some people think that milk is fattening. There are different types of milks, and some are better than others. Milk is not high in calories when it’s low fat or 0% fat. So if you are concerned about milk being fattening, you just have to be aware of the type you are consuming.

Another benefit of milk is that is is proven to help prevent type two diabetes. Diabetes effects the way that your body burns food for energy. Diabetes can also increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Milk can help prevent diabetes because milk proteins improve your blood sugar balance.


There are also some negative affects of milk, but they don’t compare to the many positives. Some negatives are: A few studies found that teenagers who drink a higher consumption of milk have more acne, than those who don’t drink milk. It is also a fact that 5% of children have an allergy to milk that can cause skin reactions, such as eczema, and gut symptoms like colic, constipation, and diarrhea. For women, drinking three glasses of milk or more a day may increase your risk of bone fractures.

To conclude, there are many benefits to milk, including that fact that milk contains 18 out of the 22 essential nutrients that humans need. But there are also a lot of negative thoughts/ideas on milk, that need more research for them to be considered facts. From the research I have completed, I think that milk is healthy for you in moderation, and I will continue to drink it.

To be safe it’s best to drink organic milk from cows that are free of growth hormones. Overall, more research needs to be completed on the amount of milk that’s most beneficial and the effects of antibiotics and artificial hormones given to dairy cows.


Reference: https://www.healthline.com/health/is-milk-bad-for-you#takeaway


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